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Daily UI

Daily UI is a series of design challenges sent out every day. I’ve gathered some of the designs I’ve created from these challenges and compiled them into a collection that I plan to keep updated as I complete more. These are smaller design projects that have helped me explore and develop a variety of solutions.


Prompt: Sign Up

Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.


Prompt: Credit Card Checkout

Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don't forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.


Prompt: User Profile

Design a user profile and be mindful of the most important data, names, imagery, placement, etc. Is it for a serious profile? A social profile? (It's up to you!)


Prompt: Direct Message

Design a Direct Messaging app, profile, or chat box. Consider the parties involved in the messages, images, placement, and context of the messages. Are the messages for social purposes? Customer support?